Field Test: Rutgers University Livingston Campus

On August 16, 2012 and August 22, 2012, Starr Water Treatment Systems conducted a field test on a construction site at Rutgers University's Livingston Campus. The test material was dense red clay, with a flow rate of 70 GPM, 4,200 GPH, 100,800 GPD.

Rutgers University School of Engineering, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering conducted independent testing of the Starr Water Treatment System WTS2000 at Rutgers University. The purpose of the test was to determine treatment levels for inclusion in Soil Erosion and Sediment Control Regulations as an accepted Portable Sediment Tank (PST) technology.





As depicted in the images, the soil on this site had an exceedingly high colloidal element. The water treated through the WTS2000 was dense with red clay.  The WTS2000 was used to pump out and cleanse the mixture of water and solids trapped in a surface detention pond receiving runoff from a construction site on the Livingston Campus of Rutgers University in Piscataway, NJ.



 Starr Water Treatment Systems crew arrived with the WTS2000 on the Rutgers University site. The WTS2000 unit was detached from the pickup truck and leveled by the site crew. Hard hats and neon vests were distributed to all present. Two discharge hoses were attached to the back of the unit and routed into a single four-inch discharge hose. A three-inch diaphragm pump was attached to the WTS2000 and placed into the sediment pond.

Dr. George Guo of Rutgers University and his team arrived on site and set up all testing materials, including plastic buckets to determine water flow and sample jars placed at specific locations alongside the WTS2000.

The pumping of the water into the WTS2000 unit began at 11:30 AM. The influent water from the hose was split, flowing equally into both sides of the system. The water entering the WTS2000 was observed for flow and estimated turbidity reduction. The water was pumped through the unit continuously until it began to discharge from the system effluent.

Once the water began to exit the system, approximately 5 complete evacuations of the chambers were completed. Water samples were taken by Dr. Guo and his team. Starr Water Treatment Systems crew then took samples from the first, second, and third chambers and the effluent of the entire system. This process was repeated for both the left and the right sides of the unit.  The samples were marked and logged and placed in a cooler at approximately 4 degrees centigrade.

Once the final sample was taken, the pump was turned off.  The trays were observed for sediment collection and retention. The WTS2000 was drained back into the site pond. The lids were placed onto the unit and securely fastened.  Used tools and equipment were returned to their proper places and the WTS2000 was reattached to the truck and removed from the site. Cleaning of the unit occurred at Starr Water Treatment Systems facility.



The WTS2000 is effective in minimizing the effects of soil erosion and controlling sediment on construction sites. Visibly clearer water was returned to the surface detention pond. Additionally, certified, independent testing conducted by Rutgers University School of Engineering, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering showed that the WTS2000 successfully obtained the following reduction rates:

  • Total Suspended Solids (TSS) - 80 %
  • Turbidity (NTU) - 64 %
  • Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN) - 77 %
  • Total Phosphorus  (TP) - 83 %
  • Final Turbidity 270NTU



Onsite reductions in TSS, nitrates, phosphates, and turbidity prove that the WTS2000 is effective when used as a Portable Sediment Tank. By treating collected runoff, the WTS2000 prevents sediment and other pollutants from contaminating nearby waterways. The sediment collected within the unit may also be reclaimed for use on the site. The WTS2000 minimizes negative water quality impacts that result from post-construction runoff from site work in both new development and redevelopment applications.

Rutgers University Livingston Campus: Photos

Detention Pond at Rutgers University's Livingston Campus

Detention pond on Rutgers University Livingston campus during WTS2000 cleanout.

The WTS2000 at work

Starr Water Treatment Systems Field Supervisor monitoring influent and effluent chambers during August 22nd field test.

Treatment Samples

Samples of the influent (on left) and effluent (on right) during cleanout of Rutgers University Surface Detention Pond.

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